domingo, 31 de mayo de 2020


As we cannot see each other at school I have made a small film with music using all the photos I had of this year. In this way you can see your classmates and remember some of the nice moments we spent together. You can find the link in google classroom. I hope you all enjoy it.

First of all congratulations for your excellent marks in the Social exam. I have never given so many 10 marks. As to the homework, we only have to finish the most important aspects of topic 9 in English during June, As well, we are going to have a brief look at topic 5 Of Natural Science HEAT AND LIGHT, You can download from this blog or in google classroom the summary of this topic as you do not have the book at home.

Download the HEAT AND LIGHT summary here:

Monday, 1 June  2020

English Read pages 92 and 93 of your English book. Important are exercises 3 and 6. Do exercise 1 of the downloaded file. Revision of present perfect and past tense in short dialogues.

Download the file English homework topic 9 part 1. There are 2 different exercises, one for every day. Please send the file back when all the exercises are done. (Se devuelve el documento a mi email o mediante google docs una vez están terminados los 2 ejercicios,al final de la semana. Teclea por ejemplo Pedro, 5B, English topic 9 part 1 en el título). 

Tuesday, 2 June  2020

Natural: Read about heat in the downloaded summary. Do exercise 1 of the downloaded file.

Download the file Natural homework topic 5 HEAT. There are 2 different exercises, one for every day. Please send the file back when all the exercises are done. (Se devuelve el documento a mi email o mediante google docs una vez están terminados los 2 ejercicios,al final de la semana. Teclea por ejemplo Pedro, 5B, Natural topic 5 HEAT en el título).

Wednesday, 3 June 2020.

English Read pages 94 and 95 of your English book. Important are exercises 1, 3 and 4. Do exercise 2 of the downloaded file.

You can write the planned future in 2 different ways:

am going to learn English tomorrow.

am learning English tomorrow. (Se usa el presente continuo para el futuro planeado).

You use the planned future (to be+going to) when you are sure it is going to happen or when you have already decided to do something in the future.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

English Online activities.Try to get 10 out of 10. Las actividades online no se mandan a mi email.

Present continuous for future vs Going to

Superlative - revision

Friday, 5 June 2020.

EnglishOnline activities.Try to get 10 out of 10. Las actividades online no se mandan a mi email.

Question words

Who, what, where, when, why

Prepositions of Time

Natural: Read about heat in the downloaded summary Do exercise 2 of the downloaded file.

Don´t forget to send the file English homework topic 9 part 1 and Natural homework topic 5 HEAT to my email using a word(ODT) file or google docs or in google classroom. Remember to write the title:  for example  Carla, 5A, English homework topic 9 part 1.

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020


This week on Friday 29 May (Si quieres puedes hacer el examen tambien el jueves) we will do an exam about Social topic 6 in Milton. All the questions of the exam are in the document - Exam practice the Early Modern Age topic 6 - of this week. Intenta terminar el exam practice el martes para que yo puedo corregirlo antes del estudio para el examen.

Parece que a partir de 31 de mayo ya no podemos utilizar Milton ya que nos quitan las licencias. Por lo tanto he tenido que cambiar la programación para esta semana. Solo hacemos social y aprovechamos para poder leer el último libro y su resumen de este curso escolar.

New books in Milton.

Esta semana los alumnos/as tendrán que leer un libro y hacer el quiz. Siempre daré 3 títulos de libros en Milton. Cada alumno/a tendrá que elegir uno y escribir /teclear un resumen sobre el libro e mandarmelo por documento(ODT) o google docs.

Remember, everything is in the PAST TENSE. You have to write/type the:
- Introduction.
- Main part.
- Your opinion.

Don`t use he said.... she asked.... they answered.....etc.( nunca lo hemos aprendido y aún no sabéis usarlo).

The same as we have been doing before at school. Remember never, never, never copy from the book. Write your own sentences using LINKERS.

Here are the three titles of the books in Milton. They are all level 18. 

ThumbelinaThe History of PenicillinPuss in Boots

Por lo tanto, debéis entrar con tus claves en Milton. Haz click en BOOKROOM. Selecciona LEVEL 18. Lee uno de los 3 libros publicado arriba en imagen.


Monday ,25 May 2020.

Social Science: Do exercises 1, 2 and 3. IMPORTANT. All the questions of the exam are in this document.

Download the file Social - Exam practice the Early Modern Age topic 6. There are 5 different exercises. Please send the file back when all the exercises are done. (Se devuelve el documento a mi email o mediante google docs o google classroom una vez están terminados los 5 ejercicios, el martes). (Guarda los documentos de social muy bien porque son necesario para el estudio del examen una vez que hemos terminado el tema.)

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Social Science:: Do exercise 4 and 5. IMPORTANT. All the questions of the exam are in this document. Once send to me and corrected, study this document tomorrow and an on Thursday.

Don´t forget to send TODAY  the file Social, Exam practice the Early Modern Age topic 6 to my email using a word(ODT) file or google docs or in google classroom. Remember to write the title: 
for example  Carla, 5A, Exam practice the Early Modern Age topic 6 .

Wednesday, 27 May 2020.

Social Science: Study the file/document: Social, Exam practice the Early Modern Age topic 6 . Practise at home with someone (for example you mother asks the question and you answer).

Thursday, 28 May 2020 and Friday, 29 May 2020

Social Science: Study the file/document: Social, Exam practice the Early Modern Age topic 6 . Practise at home with someone (for example you mother asks the question and you answer).

Social Science:  EXAM SOCIAL TOPIC 6. Go to Milton using your passwords. Click on my assignments and then click on exam social topic 6.

EXAM SOCIAL TOPIC 6: There are 3 options, click on the correct answer. Read the question carefully and then answer. There are 20 questions. Hazlo tantas veces hasta que apruebas. Pero claro yo también veo la cantidad de veces que necesitas para aprobar y baja la nota considerablemente. Un 10 es todo bien a la primera!

First, click on my assignments.
Then, click on exam social topic 6. Go to questions.
Finally, answer the questions.

I will send the marks to your email.


domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020


This week we are finishing topic 6 of Social -  the Early Modern Age. Next week we will do the last document, which is like an exam practice, before we do the exam at the beginning of June. The exam will be in Milton and it will be in multiple choice.

Also, we will use the Milton platform a lot to do some revision of what we have already learnt this year in English. Remember they must be all in green. If so, you will get an extra point.

Monday, 18 May  2020

EnglishGo to Milton using your passwords. Do the exercises of the Passive voice.

First, click on trainer.
Next, select trainer 4 - A2(Pre -KET)
Then, click on grammar.
Finally, do exercises 2 and 25.

When you have finished click on finish and you will get a mark. If you make a mistake, Milton will show you the correct answer. Try to get the maximum score. I can see all your results in Milton.(no se manda nada de Milton a mi email). Los padres también podrán ver los resultados de cada ejercicio hecho.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

English: Go to Milton using your passwords. Do the exercises of Question words and Asking questions.

You know them all except: Whose - De quién  Whose is the car? ¿De quién es el coche?

First, click on trainer.
Next, select trainer 4 - A2(Pre -KET)
Then, click on grammar.
Finally, do exercises 8 and 20.

When you have finished click on finish and you will get a mark. If you make a mistake, Milton will show you the correct answer. Try to get the maximum score. I can see all your results in Milton.(no se manda nada de Milton a mi email). Los padres también podrán ver los resultados de cada ejercicio hecho.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020.

EnglishGo to Milton using your passwords. Do the exercises of comparatives/superlatives and at/in/on.

Remember to count the syllables:         big - bigger - the biggest          happy - happier - the happiest    important - more important - the most important.

at 2 o´clock     in the morning    on Tuesday   at night     in Getafe    on 2nd May 2020    in January  etc.

First, click on trainer.
Next, select trainer 4 - A2(Pre -KET)
Then, click on grammar.
Finally, do exercises 19 and 30.

When you have finished click on finish and you will get a mark. If you make a mistake, Milton will show you the correct answer. Try to get the maximum score. I can see all your results in Milton.(no se manda nada de Milton a mi email). Los padres también podrán ver los resultados de cada ejercicio hecho.

Social Science: Topic 6 -Read pages 110 and 111. Do exercise 1 of the downloaded file.

First watch the video. Click on the image. You only have to watch it until minute 3:00 with information about Carlos III where the Early Modern Age ends. Of course you can watch everything but the rest is for next year when we will continue with the Modern Age.

Download the file Social homework topic 6, the Bourbons. There are 2 different exercises, one for every day. Please send the file back when all the exercises are done. (Se devuelve el documento a mi email o mediante google docs una vez están terminados todos los ejercicios, al final de la semana.)

Thursday,21 May 2020.

Social Science: Topic 6 -Read pages 114 and 115. Reading with interesting information.

Friday, 22 May 2020.

Social Science: Topic 6 -Read page 111. Do exercise 2 of the downloaded file.

Online activity about the The Bourbons.Try to get 10 out of 10. Las actividades online no se mandan a mi email. Copy the capital letters in the correct way, if not it will count as a mistake!

the Bourbons

Don´t forget to send the file Social homework the Bourbons, topic 6 to my email using a word(ODT) file or google docs or in google classroom. Remember to write the title:  for example  Pedro,5B, the Bourbons topic 6.

Last day book!!!!!!

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020


Before we start with the homework watch the short film of your classmate Paulina. She is a really good actress and I hope you enjoy her film with a very important message. She is the main character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New books in Milton.

Cada dos semanas los alumnos/as tendrán que leer un libro y hacer el quiz. Siempre daré 3 títulos de libros en Milton. Cada alumno/a tendrá que elegir uno y escribir /teclear un resumen sobre el libro e mandarmelo por documento(ODT) o google docs.

Remember, everything is in the PAST TENSE. You have to write/type the:
- Introduction.
- Main part.
- Your opinion.

Don`t use he said.... she asked.... they answered.....etc.( nunca lo hemos aprendido y aún no sabéis usarlo).

The same as we have been doing before at school. Remember never, never, never copy from the book. Write your own sentences using LINKERS.

Here are the three titles of the books in Milton. They are all level 19. 

International FoodThe Future of EnergyRapunzel

Por lo tanto, debéis entrar con tus claves en Milton. Haz click en BOOKROOM. Selecciona LEVEL 19. Lee uno de los 3 libros publicado arriba en imagen.


Monday, 11 May 2020

English:  Read pages 86 and 87 of your English book, topic 8. The vocabulary of exercises 2, 5 and 6 on page 86 and exercise 1 on page 87 is important.   

First, watch the video about the passive voice. Then, do exercise 1 of the downloaded file.

The passive voice is very difficult and it is important for next year. Watch it as many times as you want. Está vez mira hasta el minuto 3:20, porque a partir de ahora vamos a utilizar el pasado también. Si quieres puedes ver todo pero ya son estructuras para 6º y el insti.

The passive voice in the past tense

First, change the object of the active sentence into the subject of the passive sentence. Ronald made an English exam.  (para encontrar el objeto pregunta al verbo y al sujeto de la frase activa, QUE O QUIEN es decir ¿Que hizo Ronald? Respuesta un examen de inglés.)

Second, use the verb to be in the past tense + past participle to make the sentence passive.

An English exam was made (3rd person singular).     


English exams were made(plural).

Download the file English homework topic 8 passive voice part 2. There are 3 different exercises, one for every day. Please send the file back when all the exercises are done. (Se devuelve el documento a mi email o mediante google docs o google classroom una vez están terminados los 3 ejercicios,al final de la semana. Sigue habiendo alumnos que me mandan los documentos sin poner el título y tengo documentos sin saber quien lo ha hecho. Por eso teclea por ejemplo Pedro, 5B, English topic 8 passive voice part 2 en el título).

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

English Read pages 88 and 89 of your English book, topic 8. Do exercise 2 of the downloaded file.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020.

English: Exercise 3 of the downloaded file.

Social Science: Topic 6 - Read pages 108 and 109. Do exercise 1.

Download the file Social - Art and culture in the Early Modern Age topic 6. There are 2 different exercises, one for every day. Please send the file back when all the exercises are done. (Se devuelve el documento a mi email o mediante google docs o google classroom una vez están terminados los 2 ejercicios,al final de la semana). (Guarda los documentos de social muy bien porque son necesario para el estudio del examen una vez que hemos terminado el tema.)

Thursday, 14 May 2020.

English: Online activities.Try to get 10 out of 10. Las actividades online no se mandan a mi email.

Passive voice present and past

My wallet was stolen

The Passive

Friday, 15 May 2020

Social Science:: Topic 6 - Read page 109. Do exercise 2.

Online activity about Art and culture in the Early Modern Age.Try to get 10 out of 10. Las actividades online no se mandan a mi email. 

The Golden Age

Don´t forget to send the files Social, Art and culture in the Early Modern Age topic 6,  and English homework topic 8  passive voice part 2 to my email using a word(ODT) file or google docs or in google classroom. Remember to write the title:  for example  Carla, 5A, English homework topic 8 passive voice part 2.

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020


Monday, 4 May 2020

English:  Read pages 82 and 83 of your English book, topic 8. The vocabulary of exercise 3 on page 82 is important.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

English: Read pages 84 and 85 of your English book, topic 8. The grammar of exercise 3 and 4 on page 84 is important.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020.

English:  First, watch the video about the passive voice. Then, do exercise 1 of the downloaded file.

The passive voice is very difficult and it is important for next year. Watch it as many times as you want. Está vez solo mira hasta el minuto 2:40, porque solo lo vamos a utilizar en presente por el momento.

The video explains it very well in both English and Spanish. But I want to give you some extra information about the passive voice.

It is used a lot in newspaper and magazine titles/headings, because the important thing is the action and not the person who did it. En voz pasiva lo importante es la acción y no la persona que lo hizo. For example:

The thief was arrested.

Todo el mundo sabe que fue la policía quien arrestó al ladrón. Por eso no hace falta escribir la policía.

Another example:

Active: Ronald makes an English exam. Es activa porque sabemos que lo hace Ronald.

Passive: An English exam is made. Es pasiva porque lo importante es la acción del examen de inglés y no la persona que lo hizo. Vosotros sabéis que es lógico que lo hace Ronald.

You can also write in passive:  An English exam is made by Ronald.

by Ronald is the agent  o por Ronald es el agente.


First, change the object of the active sentence into the subject of the passive sentence.  (para encontrar el objeto pregunta al verbo y al sujeto de la frase activa, QUE O QUIEN es decir ¿Que hace Ronald? Respuesta un examen de inglés.)

Second, use the verb to be + past participle to make the sentence passive.

An English exam is made (3rd person singular).       Ojo        English exams are made(plural).

In the beginning it will be difficult, but the more you practise the more you will understand it.

Download the file English homework topic 8 passive voice part 1. There are 2 different exercises, one for every day. Please send the file back when all the exercises are done. (Se devuelve el documento a mi email o mediante google docs o google classroom una vez están terminados los 2 ejercicios,al final de la semana. Sigue habiendo alumnos que me mandan los documentos sin poner el título y tengo documentos sin saber quien lo ha hecho. Por eso teclea por ejemplo Pedro, 5B, English topic 8 passive voice part 1 en el título).

Social Science: Topic 6. Do exercise 1  of the downloaded file.(es como un exam practice)

Download the file Social - Revision practice topic 6. There are 3 different exercises. Please send the file back when all the exercises are done. (Se devuelve el documento a mi email o mediante google docs o google classroom una vez están terminados los 3 ejercicios,al final de la semana). (Guarda los documentos de social muy bien porque son necesario para el estudio del examen una vez que hemos terminado el tema.)

Thursday, 7 May 2020.

English: Do exercise 2 of the downloaded file. Online activity.

Friday, 8 May 2020.

Social Science: Topic 6. Do exercises 2 and 3 of the downloaded file.

Don´t forget to send the files Social revision practice topic 6, and English homework topic 8, part 1 to my email using a word(ODT) file or google docs or in google classroom. Remember to write the title:  for example  Carla, 5A, English homework topic 8 passive voice part 1.